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Debate Competition

SciBattle is not just a debate competition; it's an arena where minds clash, and ideas collide. Dive into the world of scientific exploration and critical thinking as participants engage in thought-provoking debates on a myriad of topics. Whether you are passionate about physics, biology, or the latest advancements in technology, SciBattle provides a platform for individuals to showcase their analytical skills, articulate arguments, and defend their perspectives.

Rules and Regulations
  1. Eligibility - Students of Class 7 - 12 in Category I and UG and PG students in Category II
  2. Team Composition - The debate is team based and should consist of a maximum of two members per team.
  3. Topics - Debate topics will cover current scientific advancements, ethical considerations in research, and the societal impact of scientific discoveries.
  4. Format - The competition will consist of three rounds: Opening Statements, Cross-Examination, and Closing Arguments. Each team will have 5 minutes for opening statements, followed by a 3-minute cross-examination, and concluding with 2-minute closing arguments.
  5. Code of Conduct - Participants must adhere to a code of conduct emphasising respect for opposing views, academic integrity, and fair play.
  6. Violations may result in point deductions or disqualification.
  7. Prizes: Following prizes are proposed for each level.
    1. I Prize - ₹ 5000/- cash prize and certificate
    2. II Prize - ₹ 3000/- cash prize and certificate