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Think locally act globally with CAS 

The idea conveyed by this phrase is to consider the global implications of environmental improvements while taking local measures to improve their local environment. For instance, consider how trash is disposed of across the globe, but avoid being hindered by the scope of the problem.

It is imperative that people consider the well-being of the entire planet and take action in their own cities and communities. As more and more people take local actions, the benefits spread further and further, solving the global problem of waste and recycling.

People began taking action long before governments began enforcing environmental laws to protect habitats and the organisms within them. These efforts are called grassroots initiatives and are carried out at a local level by volunteers. A majority of these efforts are financed by the government.

In addition to corporations and government officials, the educational system and local communities also acknowledge the benefits of taking actions that will benefit the environment. Since markets are different around the world, compensation programmes need to reflect this balance. The IB students who took part in these projects and conferences every year see how their CAS projects are coming along.

As IB students believe more than ever that one’s duty to this world must surpass their fear of failure in order to address the problems, they will no longer sit around waiting around for others to fix the problems. This is due to the confidence instilled in them as part of CAS projects.

Think locally, act globally

We believe that this statement contains a hidden assumption that the global is dominant. The local market offers the opportunity to implement global projects but in certain ways tailored to local needs. If the statement was true, critics would argue that it is possible to do that only on a global scale.

CAS engages students in taking risks, interacting with the world around them, and considering the ethical implications of their actions. Students complete a portfolio of community-building activities, including reflections on their experiences and examples of their developmental growth. This sets IB students apart from other high achievers.

Volunteering at a local health center would be an example. Instead of just playing with the children as most volunteers do, the tutor could provide some educational activities to students who are unable to attend school because of health problems and illnesses.

Just by using some recycled materials and a little science, students can install solar bottle lights to brighten up the classrooms of local children in village or rural schools without electricity.

The main goal of the CAS programme is to develop students into globally aware individuals who work together locally to create a better and more peaceful world by recognizing their common humanity and sharing the stewardship of the planet.

There is a new concept doing the rounds called Glocalization.

Glocalization blurs the line between the local and the global by replacing the concept of globalization with the concept of "glocalization." Until recently, globalization was viewed as a contrast between the local and the global, analyzed through action-reaction patterns, but today it is regarded as a component of globalization itself.

The purpose of glocalization is to show how intercultural ties are selected, processed, and consumed according to the local needs, tastes, and social structures, even though intercultural links are fastened worldwide.


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