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Navigating the IB Diploma: Essential Terms Every Parent Should Know 

If this is the first time your child is entering the IB board, or even if you are an IB parent whose child is now joining the IB Diploma Programme, there are a few terms that you familiarise yourself with. The programme is intensive in its approach and extensive in its curriculum. The all-encompassing approach to learning requires the students to participate in many academic and non-academic activities. Parents can help students stay on top of their assignments, and assessment preparations and remember important dates for entrance exams too.

IB diploma terms parents need to know

DP Curriculum

The IBDP curriculum comprises 6 subjects that the students choose from the 6 subject groups and the DP Core elements. Students have the choice to opt for more than 6 subjects if they can handle the workload. Further, the curriculum encompasses participation and performance in many non-academic extracurricular activities too.

Higher Level (HL)

Students have to choose at least 3 subjects at HL whose difficulty level is higher. These subjects will have more syllabi, more number of classroom hours, and additional assessment queries.

Standard Level (SL)

After the HL subject choices, students take the remaining subjects at SL. At SL, the subject will cover basic concepts and the course will be less intense.

DP Core

The DP Core includes two essays, extracurricular activities in fine and performing arts and community service. Students must complete all the requisites for the three elements of DP Core to earn their Diploma. The two essays, Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay are graded. The final written report and grades earned for DP Core are worth 3 points in the overall IBDP scores. They also help students strengthen their profile to apply for colleges.

Theory of Knowledge (ToK)

ToK is a 1600-word self-explorative essay in which students will write about the purpose and meaning of knowledge.

Extended Essay (EE)

EE is a 4000-word interdisciplinary essay in which the student can pick any topic that is related to one or more of the subjects that they have opted for in IBDP. They will conduct academic research and write the paper with proper citations.

Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS)

CAS will have students participating in extracurricular activities in cultural programmes, school events and sports activities. Further, students will engage in community service activities and write a report on the activities that they have participated in and what they learnt through the exercise.

Internal Assessment (IA)

Internal assessments are conducted by the teachers and they include tests, assignments, projects and overall participation of the student in the school. Internal assessments carry 20% weight of the overall assessment scores.

External Assessment (EA)

Students will attempt to write a paper for each of the subjects at the end of the second year of IBDP. These exams are conducted by the IBO and graded externally by IB examiners. External assessments are assigned 80% of the scores of IB assessments.

Predicted Score

Predicted scores are calculated based on the student’s performance in semester exams, internal assessments, assignments etc. Since IBDP scores come out after the college admissions are completed, the predicted scores are accepted to give the student provisional admissions.

IB Results

IB scores are an average of the internal and external assessment scores. The highest score in each subject is 7 points. Thus, 7 points times 6 subjects make it 42 points and 3 points are for DP Core, therefore, the total highest points are 45. The minimum a student must score in each subject to clear it is 4 points. Thus, they must score at least 24/45 to pass. It is compulsory to clear DP Core to

IB Diploma

IB Diploma is the certificate awarded upon clearing all the criteria for IB assessments which includes scoring well in the IA and EA, regular attendance, and completion of DP Core elements.


International-mindedness is one of the objectives of the IB Diploma Programme and the curriculum stresses students showcasing their learning through its application. Students will share international perspectives in EE, IA and various presentations when they examine a problem.


Interdisciplinarity is at the core of IBDP. Students are given the freedom to choose subjects from different streams and write an interdisciplinary EE to showcase their understanding and real-life application of the subjects they are studying.

Through all their activities and academic rigour, the IBDP promotes essential skills such as critical thinking, time management, and organisation among others. Parents can support students and keep track of their performance from the digital report that can be accessed on the student’s cloud storage.


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